Summer Edition
Summer's in full swing over here in the Netherlands and I am about to be visited by two Australians I haven't seen for over 2 years with Covid restrictions - my mum & my brother! 💕 I'll be meeting his wife and their baby for the first time and they'll be meeting 2 of my 3 kids for the first time (crazy) #exciting! Can't wait to show them all around my little pocket of Europe 😍
Before I do though, let's squeeze in one more newsletter to tide us over until I get back to routine in a few weeks.
How to make it possible for people to go through your email sequences twice?
If you've been using Kajabi for a little while now then you probably know it's not possible to be actively subscribed to the same email sequence more than once. This means that you might sign up to your freebie to test it's working and receiving the delivery email, but the next time you sign up to the freebie to test nothing turns up in your inbox and you wonder if maybe the automation stopped working.
Another scenario is that someone might sign up to your freebie, forget they did, sign up again a month later and the email delivering the freebie won't be sent as they already received it some time in the past.
So what's the fix?
If you'd like people to be able to sign up for the same sequence more than once for whatever reason, it's as simple as setting the below "unsubscribe trigger" in your sequence. What you're telling Kajabi is "When they reach the end of this sequence, unsubscribe them from the sequence" which will change their status to "inactive", opening the door for them to resubscribe to the same sequence if they want to.

Once the person completes the sequence they will be marked as "inactive"

Making it possible for them to subscribe again if they want to 😀

Time for a refresh!
The Amy P Sales Page
We're busy over here at Team Meg Burrage refreshing a few of our original template packs while we also work on some brand new designs.
First in line for a refresh was the Amy P sales page, so if you own one of our Amy P template packs feel free to download yourself the new "beefed up" version.
You'll be able to download it from the ThriveCart portal and if you've forgotten your log in since purchasing, you can reset it here.
View the "beefed up" version hereIG REEL OF THE WEEK
I've been drinking....errrr, I mean thinking!
If email automations and triggers have you feeling a little cross-eyed, I don't think you're alone! Just a little fun with this reel looking at the various scenarios you might run into while launching your program.
Closet drinking, I mean thinking! can be found here
Have you met Jennifer?
Let me shine a big bright spotlight on Jennifer Oates, a graduate from our Heart-Centered Apprentice program who combines her love of Kajabi with her Online Business Manager skills and is the lady you need if you're finding there's just too much on your plate to be able to get to the activities you enjoy #beenthere!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Jennifer jumps out of bed for course and membership creation and complicated automations, all of which she delivers in a 7 hour VIP Day format ✨.
Ready to get back to the fun stuff?
If you would like to read more on Jennifer and her superpowers, please click here.
Why "Kajabi over Cocktails"?
Not sure about you but I'm a realist and from where I'm standing this line of work often comes with a whole lot of learning curve stress, disappointment, setbacks, anxiety, overwhelm... you get the idea.
When I began as Kajabi Coach I took it upon myself to lessen all those negative emotions for people, and to bring laughter, simplification, step-by-step guidance and support.
A lot of that support is provided on my live group coaching calls where more often than not I turn up to class with a GIANT Gin & Tonic.
In a laptop lifestyle of freedom and flexibility, is there any good reason not to?? 😂
Until the next time!
Meg xx
Fancy a bit of gamification? 3 quick padlocks to test if you were paying attention. Click the little yellow lightbulbs for *hints* 💡
Create your own for your students at Flippity.net