In case you wondered, that's 👆 a Pornstar Martini (Recipe provided) 😋
It's been a while coming.
I'm no different to you guys! There are always 100 things on my 'to do' list, 95 of them roll over to the next day and every now and again you find a teeny "gap" to work on something exciting that's you've been meaning to do for months.
For me, that's this newsletter.
Can I keep it up weekly? Unlikely. Monthly? You'd like to think so, but no promises. So let's cross our fingers, give it our best shot and see how we go 😍
Why "Kajabi over Cocktails"?
Not sure about you but I'm a realist and from where I'm standing this line of work often comes with a whole lot of learning curve stress, disappointment, setbacks, anxiety, overwhelm... you get the idea.
When I began as Kajabi Coach I took it upon myself to lessen all those negative emotions for people, and to bring laughter, simplification, step-by-step guidance and support.
A lot of that support is provided on my live group coaching calls where more often than not I turn up to class with a GIANT Gin & Tonic.
In a laptop lifestyle of freedom and flexibility, is there any good reason not to?? 😂
Elephant in the room?
Sooooo. how do you feel about Kajabi's new black look? An in-built polling feature would be great about now 😂 Personally, I'm a fan of the softer blue accents and buttons.
How about multiple upsells? So if your customer buys the first upsell you can present another, and another, and another, and when they finally decide not to buy the next thing (or you run out of things to offer...maximum 10) you can hit them with a downsell 😂 Maybe I'm old fashioned, but one upsell with a well thought out downsell is plenty.
Learn More About Upsells Here
New kid on the block.
And her name is Chrissy.
Many of you would know that when I find time I like to create Kajabi template packs, and since becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide I've been tinkering with a new release that follow's Donald Miller's famous StoryBrand framework.
There are SO many gorgeous websites out there, but not too many that convey messages with clarity. Plenty of pretty pictures and words that do a terrible job of guiding the website visitor to the action you want them to take.
Our 2022 template range is all about clear messaging and simple customization, without compromising on aesthetics.
"Chrissy" is underway (see mockup) and will be available in the next few weeks.

July LIVE Event.
Building Beautiful Directories in Kajabi with Community Box
Ever wanted to build a fancy directory for your members on Kajabi so that people could filter by relevant skills, niches, interests?
You may have found that Kajabi's in-built Member Directory is a little "light on" with features, but not to worry! Community Box is the perfect alternative, cheap as chips and easy to set up!
Joining me live on Wednesday July 13 we have Roland from Community Box dropping in to run a live masterclass over in my Kajabi Sandpit Group. You'll be welcome to jump onto the call towards the end to ask any questions.
Not in the Group? You'll Find Us HereIG REEL OF THE WEEK
How many takes does it take to create a 1 minute reel?
8 apparently. Actually there were 20+ but 8 of these faces is enough for anyone.
Need a good laugh? You'll get one here.
And let's connect on IG while you're at it. I could do with some more good IG role models! 😂
The UpLevel Lounge with Melissa Froehlich
If you're on the hunt for a great podcast that comes with a huge side of mindset, listen in to The UpLevel Lounge with Melissa Froehlich. She was in recently to speak with out Heart-Centered Apprentices and received rave reviews for her actionable and real guidance. No rose-tinted glasses here!
A podcast for female entrepreneurs who are ready to rewire their mindset, step into their CEO role and take massive action to uplevel their business and attract their dream clients.
Have you met Anno?
Let me shine a big bright spotlight on Anno Torr, a graduate from our Heart-Centered Apprentice program.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you’re a course creator looking to set up course or membership products, need to map out funnels for audience segregation and conversion, or multi-layered automations between a variety of platforms that will release you from the manual inputs and repetitive tasks, Anno is the lady you need.
If you would like to read more on Anno and her superpowers, please click here.
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Well guys, that's me done for Kajabi over Cocktails volume #1 🎉 I hope you've enjoyed reading it and if you did, feel free to hit reply and let me know...I'm a real person not an automated machine 😂
Until the next time!
Meg xx
p.s. Here's that recipe ...